Shapes and Sizes of Bed Bugs
Pictorial Page 1
It is very important to get a clear mental picture of the size and dimension of Bed Bugs. It is a range from a small baby bed bug to a very large adult. The shape is pretty much oval – some more elongated than others.
A Baby Bed Bug in the Stitching
This baby bed Bug is hard to notice as it moved in the depression made by the stitching in the side of the box spring.
It is almost one third the length of a single stitch. It is so small to human eye that it is hard to tell it’s head from it’s remaining body. Unless it is moving it looks more like a dot to the casual glance.
Two adult Bed Bugs near Piping of a mattress
It is obvious that these insects prefer depressed surfaces as those provide protection from unsuspecting movements of the host. As bed bugs spend more time in areas of similar characteristics, you are likely to find their black excrements in these spots of your bed components.
Two adult Bed Bugs besides a 10 ¢ coin.
The longer bed bug on the upper right is a female. It still has blood in it’s body to consume. The smaller bed bug towards the lower right is a male. It is not as puffed up but rather flat like paper. It does not have much blood meal in it’s body to process.
The female is instinctively trying to exploit a gap between the coin and the surface it’s placed upon, but it fails.
Underside of a Box-Spring Corner.
This not zoomed in image shows why it might be easy to miss the bed bug signs of black excrements, shed skins and baby bed bugs for some one who does not deal with Bed Bug extermination on day to day basis. When the Bed Bug infestation is in the infancy these clues are vital for an early detection.